
New Year's Momolutions

A Note From Your Publisher

By Tracy Trace, Publisher Macaroni Kid Fenton January 3, 2018

It is said that the key to making real change in your life starts with a goal.  One must also include the act of writing that goal down with a plan, along with continued documentation of ones progress.....Sounds great for those with such commitment, but that's just not me.

Instead, every day--or as needed as my children grow--I set goals for myself as they arise.  Reasonable, attainable goals, that don't leave me feeling like a failure.  One day I may be struggling with my 4-year old (going on 14) and her strong will, so that day I focus on how to communicate with her without heightened emotions.  Immediate results are satisfying, encouraging and healthier for us.  And if I was unsuccessful, I find a new tactic and work hard to make it a habit, not just a "resolution" that may fizzle after a few months. 

I'm sure all of us--at one point in our lives, or maybe currently--are aiming to just survive the day, so resolutions are far from our minds.  I know come April when my little one arrives, I will be elated to simply accomplish #1 on the following list...

Happy New Year!  May your 2018 be filled with daily showers!  (or at least uninterrupted bathroom breaks)

Tracy Trace

Publisher, Macaroni Kid Fenton